Other Services
Biological Extractions
Minimally Invasive Surgical Extractions using Piezo Electric Bone Surgical Technique to avoid reducing too much bone and avoid trauma to surgical Site. Our Extractions sites can also be treated with the Latest MVP-7 Nd:YAG Laser to eliminate all the bacteria, prevent Dry sockets and help increase the Hemostasis at the surgical site promoting better bone formation for a future Dental Implant.
L-PRF ( Leukocyte-Platelet Rich Fibrin)
A Procedure that uses Patients own blood to create a gel-like membrane that promotes healing. this gel like structure can be used to aid on extractions, dental implants, bone augmentation, Sinus lifts. L-PRF is painless and contains no additives. L-PRF supplies a high concentration of growth factors directly to the surgical site. This stimulates the body's natural healing process, which can result in reduced healing time and less post-surgical pain and swelling
Biological Bone Augmentation (BBA)
Dr Ramos will be offering the SLT Semilunar bone technique as soon as the FDA approves this latest technology develop in Germany. Dr Ramos was trained by Dr Frank Zastrow for this minimally invasive faster and save bone harvesting technique for Block grafts.
Lateral Ridge Augmentation (LRA)
Dr. Ramos offers Lateral Ridge Augmentation technique including the Split Bone technique using the Piezo Electric Bone Surgery or the Micro Saw developed by Dr Khoury. We also offer Guided bone regeneration ( GBR) techniques with many types of Barrier Membranes.
Soft and Hard tissue Biopsy
We offer Biopsy services to rule out any potential Oral Cancer or malignancy.
Tooth Uncovering for Orthodontic Retraction
We Offer tooth uncovering for Orthodontic Retraction. We will evaluate the canine position using our latest CBCT imaging for proper surgical exposure. We prefer to use the Palatal Exposure approach.
Lingual Laser Frenectomies ( Tongue tie)
With our Latest Laser technology, we can remove the Lingual Frenum that causes Tongue tie, improving patients ability to speak and breath better.
Biologics ( Emdogain)
We offer Biological materials to promote Stem Cells to regenerate Bone growth around teeth affected by Periodontal diseases. We use this recombinant Amelogenin protein that activates the stem cells of the Periodontal Apparatus promoting regeneration of new Tissue and Bone around teeth. We can use this technique during our conventional Periodontal Surgery to help Save your teeth from future extractions.
Computer Guided Implant Surgery
We use a third Party Company to create a smooth workflow for the Same day Implant Bridge protocol called the All-On-X.
With the aid of this Computerized technique, we can create Surgical Stents to place the Implants during the same day when we remove the teeth. You will be walking with a Temporary Implant Bridge that will be attached to your Implants that Same Day!!! We can coordinate this cases with your General Dentist.